The F.A.R.M. Club meeting for June will be on Sunday the 3rd
at the Warren County Fairgrounds at 6:00 pm.


At our last meeting the Club voted that all exhibitors and participants
 at our show must be members of our club.  We also approved a new membership
 form that each member will be required to fill out and sign.


The Club will soon have a web site, “”.
Chris Rolke will donate his time and talent to get this set up.  Thanks Chris!


Our Club show in September will be here shortly.  We need flyers distributed;
door prizes donated; items donated for the goody bags and lots of workers! 
Please help where you can.


SPRING FUN PULL: All day Saturday, June 10th at Oeders Lake. 
We need people to help set up.  Open to club members only at no charge. 
More details will be available at the meeting.


Upcoming show dates sanctioned by the Club:

May 29th - Loveland Parade 9:00 am.  Meet at 8:15 at the old high school behind  


June 2nd & 3rd - Antique Power Tractor Show at Young’s Dairy, Yellow       

                 Springs.  Tractorcade will be Sat., June 3rd at 5:00 pm.

July 1st  - Waynesville 4th of July Parade 11:00.  Meet at the school at 9:30 am.

July 1st  - Maineville 4th of July Parade site area and time not yet scheduled.

July 3rd - Lebanon 4th of July Parade at 4 pm prior registration is required.

                Limited units.

July 4th  - Otterbein 4th of July Parade time not set


If you have any questions, please contact one of our three directors:
Homer Hurtt 513-932-5217: Russ Rolke 513-248-2501: Walt Biggs, Sr. 513-932-7732.


          See you at the meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!